Seminário com o Prof. Dr. Lucas C. Céleri – 20 de maio de 2016 – 10h15min

16/05/2016 13:00

 O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário: 

Generalized Geometric Time-Energy Uncertainty Relations*

Prof. Dr. Lucas C. Céleri

Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG


*Evento de presença obrigatória para os alunos matriculados na disciplina seminários


The attempt to gain a theoretical understanding of the concept of time in quantum mechanics has triggered significant progress towards the search for faster and more efficient quantum technologies. One of such advances consists in the interpretation of the time-energy uncertainty relations as lower bounds for the minimal evolution time between two distinguishable states of a quantum system, also known as quantum speed limits. We will discuss how the non uniqueness of a measure of distinguishability defined on the quantum state space affects the quantum speed limits and can be exploited in order to derive improved bounds. Specifically, we establish an infinite family of quantum speed limits valid for arbitrary evolutions, based on an information geometric formalism, thus deriving novel bounds which are tighter than any established one based on the conventional quantum Fisher information. These results can find applications in the optimization and control of quantum technologies such as quantum computation and metrology, and might provide new insights in fundamental investigations of quantum thermodynamics.


Data: 20 de maio de 2016 – (sexta-feira)- Local: Sala 114 – Sala de reuniões do Departamento de Física – Horário: 10h15min


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