Seminário con el prof. V.O. Nesterenko y D.V. Kamanin – 28 de febrero de 2018 – 10 horas
EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:
D.V. Kamanin: «Joint Institute for Nuclear Research: platform forinternational cooperation»
V.O. Nesterenko: «Toroidal excitations in nuclei».
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
The E1 toroidal resonance (TR) is the only known intrinsic vortical mode in atomic nuclei. The TR is interesting in many aspects: it i) can be used as a measure of the nuclear dipole vorticity, ii) is a source of the pygmy dipole resonance, iii) forms the low-energy pat of the isoscalar giant dipole resonance, iv) is realized as a spherical Hill’s vortex well known in hydrodynamics, v) demonstrates elasticity. Toroidal moments are discussed in various areas: from dark matter to metamaterials. However the TR in nuclei still has many open problems, both in theory and experiment. The talk outlines main TR features and presents the recent Skyrme QRPA results of Dubna – Prague – Bratislava – Erlangen collaboration in this field. In particular, it will be shown that light highly-prolate nuclei, like 24Mg, provide new opportunities, maybe even breakthrough, in the search of the toroidal excitations. In these nuclei, the toroidal excitations can appear as the lowest by energy individual dipole states. Such states could serve as new promising tests for various reactions to probe a nuclear vortical flow.
O Brasil, por meio do MCTI, está formalizando um acordo internacional com o JINR, que possui vários laboratórios modernos destinados não só a área de física nuclear (alguns isótopos foram recentemente sintetizados por lá, como o Dubniun e o Flerovium), mas também muito utilizados na área de estado sólido, com ênfase em novos materiais. O acordo, do qual a UFSC será signatáriapor meio da SINTER, envolverá:
- For better knowing what is JINR – participation of a relevant UFSC manager in JEMS programme ( )
- Selection of senior students to participate in JINR summer programme via http://students.jinr.r
- Selection of a couple of masters/phd to participate in JINR student practice: the best occasion will be June 03-25 jointly with South African
- Participation in JINR postdoc programme related to pur flagship projects – to be annonced soon 5. To participate in JINR Virtual Labs initiative as advance user: (free)
Fecha: 28 de febrero de 2018- (miércules) – Lugar: Sala 206 – Sala de aula (2º andar) – Horário: 10 horas