Seminário con el prof. Prof. Philip Walther – 1 de marzo de 2018 – 10h30min
EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:

Philip Walther is a Professor and Vice Dean at the University of Vienna. His research group is dedicated to quantum information experiments and one of the leaders in photonic quantum computing.
Quantum photonics for quantum causality
Prof. Philip Walther
University of Viena
The advantages of the photons make optical quantum systems ideally suited for quantum foundations experiments and for a variety of quantum information applications. Here I will present new experimental insights into concepts that superimpose the order of quantum operations and its exploit for novel quantum technology applications. I will also present experiments that demonstrate entangled temporal orders
Fecha: 1 de marzo de 2018- (jueves) – Lugar: Sala 114 – Sala del reuniones del Departamento de Física – Horário: 10h30min