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Seminário con el prof. Prof. Christian Müller – 9 de marzo de 2018 – 10h15min

06/03/2018 18:10

EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:

Functional Nanomaterials and their Potential for Sensor Applications

Prof. Christian Müller
Professor visitante estrangeiro PPGFSC


Firstly, shapeable electronic devices as a novel class of ultra-compact building blocks have gained much attention during the last years. The main goal of these devicesis the integration of flexible nanomembranes or thin films in multifunctional devices with established technologies of micro- and nanofabrication. In particular, rolled-up nanomembranes can lead to several advantages against other structures, such as easy scalability, low footprint size and reduced fabrication costs. Recently, rolled-up magnetic nanomembranes have been successfully realized and triggered further studies on the magnetism in such structures. Secondly, carbon nanomaterials show promising properties for sensor applications. Besides the exceptional properties of a single walled nanotube with a Young´s modulus up to 1000 GPa and a 1000-point higher permitted current density than copper, also films of carbon nanomaterials show outstanding sensor properties. For instance, large-area, as well as structured, flexible films of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be prepared for sensor applications, such as strain gauges or pressure sensors. Moreover with less than 1% filler material input conductive and percolation based CNT-polymer-composite sensors can be fabricated. Selected results from aforementioned two fields will be highlighted in this presentation. Finally, potential future works and student projects will be proposed.

Fecha: 9 de marzo de 2018- (viernes) – Lugar: Sala 212 – Auditorio del Departamento de Física – Horário: 10h15min


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