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Seminário con el prof. Norberto Masciocchi – 12 de marzo de 2021 (viernes) – 10:15 a.m.

08/03/2021 15:56

EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:

“Bragg and Debye were right !”
Norberto Masciocchi
University of Insubria and To.Sca.Lab, Italy


This presentation will cover more than 100 years of structural methods for crystalline matter, emphasizing the key steps which made it possible to define stable and efficient protocols for deriving otherwise inaccessible structural information at the atomic resolution. 20th century crystallographers paved the way to the obtention of structure, microstructure, morphology, and defectiveness of many functional materials, by devising theories and experiments which, in 2021, have been further optimized to an unprecedented level. Examples from the sagacious use of polycrystalline diffraction/scattering techniques for real materials, assisted by unmatched computational power, will be provided, and the complementarity of Bragg’s and Debye approaches will be highlighted.

Fecha: 12 de marzo de 2021 – (viernes) – Horário: 10:15 a.m.

Enlace acceso al canal de youtube: https://youtu.be/MCJStI201pc


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