Seminário con Prof. Dr. Lucas Chibebe Céleri- 5 de noviembre de 2021 (viernes) – 10:15 a.m.

01/11/2021 09:05

EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:

Gauge invariant quantum thermodynamics: consequences for the first law

Prof. Dr. Lucas Chibebe Céleri

Instituto de Física – UFG


Universality of classical thermodynamics rests on the central limit theorem, due to which measurements of thermal fluctuations are unable to reveal detailed information regarding the microscopic structure of a macroscopic body. When small systems are considered and fluctuations become important, thermodynamic quantities can be understood in the context of classical stochastic mechanics. A fundamental assumption behind thermodynamics is therefore that of coarse-graining, which stems from a substantial lack of control over all degrees of freedom. However, when quantum systems are concerned, one claims a high level of control. As a consequence, information theory plays a major role in the identification of thermodynamic functions. Here, drawing from the concept of gauge symmetry, essential in all modern physical theories, a new, intermediate, route is put forward. Working within the realm of quantum thermodynamics, a physically motivated gauge transformation, which encodes a gentle variant of coarse-graining behind thermodynamics, is explicitly constructed . As a consequence, quantum work and heat are reinterpreted, as well as the role of quantum coherence.

Fecha: 5 de noviembre de 2021 – (viernes) – Horário: 10:15 a.m.

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