El programa de Posgrado en Física invita a todos para la:
Sustentación de Disertación
William Renan Basso Bassoli
Prof. Dr. Valderes Drago – (presidente) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Aloisio Nelmo Klein – (miembro externo) – UFSC/EMC
Profª. Drª. Cristiani Campos Plá Cid – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Profª. Drª. Deise Schafer – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Fecha: 27 de noviembre de 2020 – viernes – Horario: 9:00 am
Enlace de acceso a sala virtual: https://conferenciaweb.rnp.br/webconf/ppgfsc-ufsc
EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:
Quantum Information using Nonlinear Graphene Plasmonics
Prof. Dr. Lee Rozema
Universidade de Viena
Although linear optical quantum technologies are one of the more promising routes to achieve feasible quantum technologies, in part due to the robustness and mobility of single photons, the creation of a two-qubit logic gate remains a challenge. In this talk, I will review our theoretical proposal to implement a universal quantum Zeno “square-root-of-swap” gate by encoding qubits in graphene surface plasmons. This gate does not require any cryogenic or vacuum technology, and has a footprint of a few hundred nanometers, suggesting that graphene plasmonics offers a new route towards scalable quantum technologies. I will first focus on the physics behind the Zeno gate, and then introduce the promising platform of nonlinear graphene plasmonics, showing how it could be used for quantum computing. Finally, I will present our recent experimental work demonstrating plasmon-mediated optical nonlinearities: a first step towards our long-term goal of single-photon level nonlinearities.
Fecha: 13 de noviembro de 2020 – (viernes) – Horário: 10:15 a.m.
Enlace acceso al canal de youtube: https://youtu.be/bhDnyO2verc
EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:
RAMSES II – RAMan Search for Extragalactic Symbiotic Stars
Profª. Drª. Denise R. Gonçalves
Observatório do Valongo – UFRJ (Brazil)
Abstract: Symbiotics are binary systems of evolved stars that show the most energetic stellar explosions after supernovae. Constituting probable channels to Type Ia SNe, they are important to understand the relation between the SN rate in a galaxy and the number of symbiotic systems at present-time. Therefore, it is very relevant to make a census of symbiotic systems in nearby galaxies. Such a census was never carried out in dwarf galaxies. In the Galaxy many symbiotic systems possess the O VI Raman scattering line at 6830A. This line allowed the discovery of a few extragalactic symbiotic systems recently, in NGC 6822, NGC 185 and NGC 205, among others. Our ongoing RAMSES II project is aimed at searching for symbiotics in the nearby dwarf galaxies, via deep narrow-band imaging that allows to detect the O VI Raman scattered feature. This detection per se implies the existence of symbiotic systems. As a follow up of this first step, we will use optical plus IR spectroscopy to completely characterize the systems, in order to better link them with the scenario of SNe Ia progenitors. In this talk I will describe the RAMSES II project and discuss its first results.
Fecha: 6 de noviembre de 2020 – (viernes) – Horário: 10:15 a.m.
Enlace acceso al canal de youtube: https://youtu.be/2g7k2Tmgf9o
El programa de Posgrado en Física invita a todos para la:
Sustentación de Disertación
Katia Slodkowski Clerici
Profª. Drª. Natalia Vale Asari – (presidente) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Tiago Vecchi Ricci – (miembro externo) – UFFS/Cerro Largo
Prof. Dr. Daniel Ruschel Dutra – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Fecha: 5 de noviembre de 2020 – jueves – Horario: 10:00 am
Enlace de acceso a sala virtual: https://conferenciaweb.rnp.br/webconf/ppgfsc-ufsc
EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:
Detectando não-classicalidade com modelos causais
Prof. Dr. Rafael Chaves
Apesar de seu sucesso inabalável, é comum escutarmos que a teoria quântica é estranha, contraintuitiva e até mesmo paradoxal. Roger Penrose, o mais recente ganhador do prêmio Nobel de Física, disse certa vez: «A mecânica quântica não faz o menor sentido». De fato, conceitos como dualidade onda-partícula, emaranhamento e não-localidade quântica, parecem estar em claro desacordo com nossa intuição. Seria possível definir matematicamente essa contraintuição/não-classicalidade? Neste seminário discutiremos como a teoria da causalidade nos oferece um arcabouço especialmente adequado para responder em afirmativo a esta pergunta. Aplicaremos este formalismo em exemplos paradigmáticos, tal como o experimento de fenda dupla e o experimento de Bell, com resultados surpreendentes. Ao final, exploraremos mais a fundo a relação entre causa e efeito e correlações quânticas em um teste de importância fundamental no campo da inferência causal.
Fecha: 30 de octubre de 2020 – (viernes) – Horário: 10:15 a.m.
Enlace acceso al canal de youtube: https://youtu.be/sSV64V7BsXA
El Programa de Posgrado en Física invita a todos para:
Examen de Cualificación al Doctorado
Marcos Vinicios Barp
Prof. Dr. Felipe Arretche – (presidente) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Pawel Klimas – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Ivan Helmuth Bechtold – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Lucio Sartori Farenzena – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Fecha: 30 de octubre de 2020- sexta-feira – Horario: 3:00 pm
Enlace de acceso a la sala virtual: https://conferenciaweb.rnp.br/webconf/ppgfsc-ufsc
El programa de Posgrado en Física invita a todos para la:
Sustentación de Disertación
Haimon Otto Melchiors Trebien
Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Gräve de Oliveira – (presidente) – UFSC/FSC
Profª. Drª. Maria Beatriz de Leone Gay Ducati – (miembro externo) – IF/UFRGS
Prof. Dr. Daniel Almeida Fagundes – (miembro titular) – UFSC/Blumenau
Prof. Dr. Marcus Emmanuel Benghi Pinto – (membro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Fecha: 29 de octubre de 2020 – jueves – Horario: 4:00 pm – Lugar: sala virtual da conferênciaweb da rede nacional de pesquisa
Enlace de acceso a sala virtual: https://conferenciaweb.rnp.br/webconf/ppgfsc-ufsc
El Programa de Posgrado en Física invita a todos para:
Examen de Cualificación al Doctorado
Joana Carolina Sodré
Prof. Dr. Sidney dos Santos Avancini – (presidente) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Magno Silva Santos – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Celso de Camargo Barros Junior – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Jeferson de Lima Tomazelli – (miembro titular) – UFSC/FSC
Fecha: 7 de junio de 2019- sexta-feira – Horario: 14 pm – Lugar: Sala C06 – Auditório del PPGECT (blocos modulados do CFM)
Exame de qualificação
EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:
Pattern-formation and Critical Behaviour in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates
Fabian Maucher
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Fabian Maucher, Yong-Chang Zhang, and Thomas Pohl
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
The formation of patterns with long-range order continues to fascinate scientists from a broad range of natural sciences [1]. In this talk I will discuss pattern-formation in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. In this system the possibility of obtaining quantum states with self-organized long-ranged ordering can be facilitated by quantum fluctuations which suppress collapse and pave the way for supersolids in this system [2]. Here, supersolidity refers to a state of matter which displays long-range ordering whilst maintaining a large superfluid fraction. I will present recent results which focus on the critical behaviour of the superfluid-supersolid phase-transition [3] and the crucial role quantum fluctuations can play for the latter. We find that quantum fluctuations can alter the order of the phase transition from first- to second order. Furthermore, apart from the usual triangular lattice of density droplets, quantum fluctuations can give rise to a novel quantum state whose density distribution displays a honeycomb structure.
[1] A. M. Turing, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. B 23 237 (1952).
[2] H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, C. Wink, T. Maier, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, Nature 530 194 (2016).
[3] Y. Zhang, F.M., T. Pohl, arXiv:1903.06161v1 (2019).
Fecha: 9 de abril de 2019 – (martes) Lugar: Sala 212 – Auditorio del Departamento de Física – Horário: 4:00 p.m.
EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN FÍSICA invita a todos para lo seminario:
A física nuclear como ferramenta para explicar magnetares e ondas gravitacionais
Profª. Drª. Débora Peres Menezes
A neutron star was first detected as a pulsar in 1967. It is one of the most mysterious objects in the universe, with a radius of the order of 10 km and masses that can reach two solar masses. In 2017, a gravitational wave was detected (GW170817) and its source was identified as the merger of two neutron stars. The same event was seen in X-ray, gamma-ray, UV, IR, radio frequency and even in the optical region of the electromagnetic spectrum, starting the new era of multi-messenger astronomy. To understand neutron stars, an appropriate equation of state that satisfies bulk nuclear matter properties has to be used and GW170817 has provided some extra constraints to determine it.
On the other hand, some neutron stars have strong magnetic fields up to 10 to the 15 Gauss on the surface as compared with the usual 10 to the 12 Gauss normally present in ordinary pulsars. They are called magnetars. While the description of ordinary pulsars is not completely established, describing magnetars poses a real challenge because the magnetic fields can produce an anisotropic equation of state. It is also known that low magnetic fields do not affect the equation of state and the resulting star macroscopic properties but they do affect the crust-core transition and the crust thickness with many consequences, as the explanation of glitches and the calculation of the Love number and quadrupole tidal polarisabilities.I will talk about the importance of the new constraints imposed by GW170817 in the determination of appropriate equations of state, possible ways to describe hadronic and quark matter subject to strong magnetic fields and the problems that lie ahead in the understanding of magnetars.
Fecha: 5 de abril de 2019 – (viernes) Lugar: Sala 212 – Auditorio del Departamento de Física – Horário: 10:15 am