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Seminário com o Prof. Dr. Prafulla Kumar Panda – Nuclear equation of state in a relativistic independent quark model with variation of quark masses – 10 horas

11/08/2013 08:00

O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:

Nuclear equation of state in a relativistic independent quark model with variation of quark masses*

Prof. Dr. Prafulla Kumar Panda

 C.V. Raman College of Engineering – India

  *Presença obrigatória para os alunos matriculados na disciplina seminários


 We have calculated the properties of nuclear matter in a self-consistent manner with quark-meson coupling mechanism incorporating structure of nucleons in vacuum through a relativistic potential  model; where the ominant confining interaction for the free independent quarks inside a nucleon, is represented by a phenomenologically average potential in equally mixed scalar-vector harmonic form. Corrections due to spurious centre of mass motion as well as those due to other residual interactions such as the one gluon exchange at short distances and quark-pion coupling arising out of chiral symmetry restoration; have been considered in a perturbative manner to obtain the nucleon mass in vacuum. The nucleon-nucleon interaction in nuclear atter is then realized by introducing additional quark couplings to sigma and omega mesons through mean field approximations. We also discuss some implications of chiral symmetry in nuclear matter along with the nucleon and nuclear sigma term and the sensitivity of nuclear matter binding energy with variations in the light quark mass.


 Data: 16 de agosto de 2013 – (sexta-feira) – Local: Sala 419 – Auditório do Bloco G – Horário: 10 horas


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