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Seminário com o Profª Drª Corinne Arrouvel – 05 de dezembro de 2014 – 10h15min

28/11/2014 15:00

O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:   

Correlating Structural, Electronic and Ionic Diffusion Properties of Nanomaterials for Energy Storage*

fig CorinneProfª Drª Corinne Arrouvel – UFSCar – Sorocaba

 *Evento de reposição da disciplina seminários



 The quest of new materials at the nanoscale is an important topic in the modern society. The industrial interest is to improve the energy conversion, the storage capacity and the kinetic of the electrochemical energy in high-technology devices. Materials should be in addition low cost, stable under a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions and safe. This talk will introduce basic concepts of electrochemistry, of bulk and surface properties in order to explain the difference of energy carrier transport mechanisms in rechargeable lithium batteries, capacitors, solid oxide fuel cells and solar cells. Combining computational and experimental techniques, we show that some key aspects are based on the search of optimized size and morphology of their nanocomponents. Anisotropic energy pathways and crystal shape will be therefore highlighted.



Data: 05 de dezembro de 2014  – Local: Sala 212 – Auditório do Departamento de Física – Horário: 10h15min



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