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Seminário com Miguel Henrique Boratto – 10 de maio de 2019 (sexta-feira) – 10h15min

06/05/2019 18:08

O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:

From Transistors to Switchable Memories: Development of Memristors for Data Processing*

Miguel Henrique Boratto Pós-doutorando – UFSC/FSC

*Evento de presença obrigatória para os alunos matriculados na disciplina seminários


The evolution of data-processing is dynamic and keeps changing the way we live nowadays. The device that immensely contributed for this advance, since the 1950s, is the transistor, the key of the evolution of electronic components. The great improvement of these devices has allowed the fabrication of small size and high-speed data-processing electronic equipment, such as the smartphones, million times faster than old computer machines. The commercial Random-Access Memory (RAM) is volatile, fabricated with a series of transistors and capacitors. A certain performance saturation has been achieved in these memories due to its volatile characteristic but also caused by the low performance of data transfer between the RAM and processing and storage units. A way to overcome such inertia is changing and exploring new architectures and materials such as the memristor, a non-volatile resistive switchable memory, that presents a simpler architecture with the necessary characteristics to substitute the transistor in data processing and storages [1,2]. The use of memristors may eliminate the use of three units (RAM, permanent storage, and processing) by doing all work simultaneously, avoiding the loss of processing speed caused by the transfer of data between units.
In this seminar, I will present a brief history of transistor and the differences between RAM and storage units. An emphasis will be given on the characteristics of memristors, as well as some state-of-the-art results obtained so far in the literature.
[1] M.H. Boratto, et al, Applied Surface Science, 410, 278-281, 2017. Doi:
[2] J.J.Yang et al, Nature Nanotechnology, 8, 13-24, 2013. Doi: 10.1038/NNANO.2012.240

Data: 10 de maio de 2019 – (sexta-feira) Local: Sala 212 – Auditório do Departamento de Física – Horário: 10h15min


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