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Seminário com Wojciech Pisula – 02 de outubro de 2020 (sexta-feira) – 10h15min

28/09/2020 07:00

O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:

Controlling the Self-Organization of Organic Semiconductors by Solution Processing*

Wojciech Pisula

Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland and Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany

*Evento de presença obrigatória da disciplina seminários


Organic electronics cover application areas in light emitting diodes, field-effect transistors (FETs) and solar cells which open the window for a novel type of technologies. Organic semiconductors consist of conjugated molecules which can be processed into the electronic devices from solution, allowing large area and low cost fabrication. Moreover, many active compounds are mechanically flexible and therefore applicable to bendable electronic elements. Due to the low cost processing, one-way applications of electronic elements are realizable like radio frequency identification tags and sensors in which FETs play a major role. In these transistors the performance is mainly determined by the speed of the charge carrier transport from one electrode to the other which in turn depends in a great extent on various factors related to the organic semiconductor such as molecular design, supramolecular organization and thin film microstructure. This is the reason why the self-assembly control of the conjugated building blocks over various length scales is essential for the charge carrier migration. This presentation discusses the relation between molecular design and packing, self-assembly during solution processing, microstructure and charge carrier transport for small molecules and polymers.

Data: 02 de outubro de 2020 – (sexta-feira) – Horário: 10h15min

Link de acesso ao canal do programa no YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ci0DHWfwfz4

L. Janasz, M. Gradzka, D. Chlebosz, W. Zajaczkowski, T. Marszalek, A. Kiersnowski, J. Ulanski, W. Pisula, Langmuir 33, 4189, 2017; L. Janasz, A. Luczak, T. Marszalek, B. G. R. Dupont, J. Jung, J. Ulanski, W. Pisula, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 20696, 2017.
K. Zhang, P. Wucher, T. Marszalek, M. Babics, A. Ringk, P. W. M. Blom, P. M. Beaujuge, W. Pisula, Chem. Mater. 30, 5032, 2018; M. Li, C. An, W. Pisula, K. Müllen Acc. Chem. Res. 51, 1196, 2018; M. Li, D. K. Mangalore, J. B. Zhao, J. H. Carpenter, H. P. Yan, H. Ade, H. Yan, K. Müllen, P. W. M. Blom, W. Pisula, D. M. de Leeuw, K. Asadi, Nat. Comm. 9, 451, 2018; K. Zhang, T. Marszalek, P. Wucher, Z. Wang, L. Veith, H. Lu, H.-J. Räder, P. M. Beaujuge, P. W. M. Blom, W. Pisula, Adv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1805594, 2018.
S. Ye, L. Janasz, W. Zajaczkowski, J. G. Manion, A. Mondal, T. Marszalek, D. Andrienko, K. Müllen, W. Pisula, D. S. Seferos Macromol. Rapid Commun. 40, 1800596, 2019; T. Wu, W. Pisula, M. Y. A. Rashid, P. Gao, Adv. Electron. Mater., 1900444, 2019; M. Li, A. H. Balawi, P. J. Leenaers, L. Ning, G. H.L. Heintges, T. Marszalek, W. Pisula, M. M. Wienk, S. C. J. Meskers, Y. Yi, F. Laquai, R. A. J. Janssen, Nat. Comm. 10, 2019.
K. Zhang, Z. Wang, T. Marszalek, M. Borkowski, G. Fytas, P. Blom, W. Pisula, Mater. Horiz. 7, 1631, 2020; M. Li, W. Zajaczkowski, G. Velpula, D. Jänsch, R. Graf, T. Marszalek, S. H. Parekh, Y. Zagranyarski, K. Mali, M. Wagner, S. D. Feyter, C. Li, K. Müllen, W. Pisula, Chem. Sci. 11, 4960, 2020; J. J. Michels, K. Zhang, P. Wucher, P. M. Beaujuge, W. Pisula, T. Marszalek, Nat. Mater., 10.1038/s41563-020-0760-2, 2020.



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