Workshop de escrita científica
O Programa de Pós-graduação em Física convida a todos para:

É professor do Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo. Publicou cerca de 480 artigos em periódicos especializados, 15 capítulos de livros, 2 livros de divulgação científica, 1 livro sobre escrita científica em inglês, tendo submetido 7 pedidos de patentes.
Workshop on Scientific Writing
Osvaldo N. Oliveira Jr.
São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo
Date: 10th October, 2016
Local: Auditório do Departamento de Física – sala 212
8:30 – 10:00 – Seminar: “Writing Scientific Papers in English Successfully: A Complete Roadmap” (see summary below)
10:00 – 12:00 – Hands-on Activities. Writing Abstracts based on the methods introduced in the seminar. Students will be asked to produce one or two abstracts, which will be discussed in the afternoon session.
14:00 – 16:00 – Analysis of the abstracts produced in the morning session, including peer reviewing
Summary of the Seminar
Scientific writing is a key ingredient in science and technology because of the need to share ideas and findings. Effective scientific writing requires proficiency in the specific academic genre and mastering the English language, and yet students rarely receive any training on such issues. In this lecture a strategy will be presented to tackle the problems faced by writers who are new to the scientific writing genre and style, particularly the non-native speakers of English. The strategy implements a learning-by-example procedure and is based on corpus linguistics, which is an approach that uses text collections (corpus)1. That is to say, the students are trained to identify textual patterns that are prevalent in each section and subsections of a paper, which they can then adapt to their own needs. Also discussed will be the models for scientific writing and software tools designed to assist authors in producing a draft version of their paper.
1Schuster, E.; Levkowitz, H.; Oliveira Jr., O.N., Writing Scientific Papers in English Successfully: Your Complete Roadmap, 2014 (