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Seminário com Rodney Marcelo do Nascimento – 03 de maio de 2019 (sexta-feira) – 10h15min

29/04/2019 10:55

O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:


A New Experimental-3D Physical Modeling Approach Predicting Favorable Biomaterial-Cell Interactions*

Rodney Marcelo do Nascimento Pós-doutorando – UFSC/FSC

*Evento de presença obrigatória para os alunos matriculados na disciplina seminários


Despite several decades of research on biomedical implant materials, the identification of predictive and robust in vitro characteristics of cell support ability and viabilities—as indicators of biocompatibility and future implant-tissue integration—remain elusive. This study addresses the phenomenology of cell implant interfaces based on experimental, theoretical and numerical analysis of cell response to functionalized bioceramic coatings of commercial titanium implants, cp-Ti. A variable spectrum of coatings having differing surface wettabilities, with optimized solid tension values, was obtained. Measured values were modeled and correlated to cell support ability and viabilities. The contributions of different physico-chemical aspects to cell viability were decoupled resulting in the identification of the polar component of the surface free energy as a significant and major cell-substrate effector. Furthermore, our results and the suggested model establish the thermodynamic interfacial free energy as an omnipotent measure that can be fully correlated to the morphology of an individual cell under numerical simulation matching empirical observations. Collectively, the 3D physical modeling reported herein can offer a new generic theoretical framework, using implementable mathematical simulation, towards the objective of rational biomaterial design that can improve next generation metal and ceramic implants.

Data: 03 de maio de 2019 – (sexta-feira) Local: Sala 212 – Auditório do Departamento de Física – Horário: 10h15min


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