28/07/2023 09:37

Photophysics, characterization techniques and OLED applications, specially based on TADF materials.

Prof. Andrew P. Monkman

Physics Department, Durham University – UK

Local: sala 114 do Departamento de Física da UFSC.

OBS: O minicurso será ministrado em língua inglesa.

Total 15h, divido em 5 manhãs das 09:00h – 12:00h.

16/Agosto (qua): Absorption and fluorescence, simple techniques with many twists, understanding how to push these measurements to gain more insight.

17/Agosto (qui): Fluorescence, delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence. How do you tell the difference between reverse intersystem crossing and triplet annihilation?

22/Agosto (ter): Photoinduced absorption and studying dark states. Then we will introduce energy transfer and exciton migration.

23/Agosto (qua): Ultrafast spectroscopy, measurements in the femtosecond timescale. Then we will look at OLED device measurements.

24/Agosto (qui): Case study, how to understand a simple molecule with very complex photophysics. Putting everything together into a research study.

OBS: Todos os participantes com 75% de frequência receberão certificado de participação e os alunos de pós-graduação podem solicitar validação de 1 crédito em seu Programa de Pós-Graduação.


Enviar email para o Prof. Ivan H Bechtold () até o dia 14/agosto.

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