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Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

Concentration Area: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

Line of Research: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

Description: The objective of Nuclear Physics is to research the origin, development, structure and phases of nuclear matter subject to strong interaction, through the development of predictive models. Unanswered fundamental questions have led Nuclear Physics to widen its scope. Nowadays, it covers from the study of the most fundamental particles, such as quarks, to gigantic structures of the universe, such as supernovae.


Prof. PhD. Celso de Camargo Barros Junior

  • Relativistic Models in Hadronic Physics;
  • High Energy Physics – Effective Field Theories;
  • Physics in Curved Spaces.

Prof. PhD. Débora Peres Menezes

  • Relativistic Models in Hadronic Physics;
  • Nuclear Astrophysics;
  • Quantum Algebras.

Prof. PhD. Sidney dos Santos Avancini

  • Quantum Algebras;
  • Relativistic Models in Hadronic Physics.

Prof. PhD. Tiago José Nunes da Silva

  • QCD phase diagram
  • Phenomenology of Quarks and Gluons Plasma
  • Nuclear Astrophysics
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