Research groups
Here you will find a list of the PPGFSC research groups organized according to the concentration areas of the Program.
Description: Variable, pulsating, magnetic, collapsed, eruptive, binary stars; accretion disks and extrasolar planets. Stellar populations in clusters and galaxies; quasars and active galactic nuclei. Development of instruments designed for astronomy, such as telescopes, spectrographs, detection and control systems, and auxiliary or improved imaging systems.
Researchers: Antonio Nemer Kanaan Neto, Daniel Ruschel Dutra, Natalia Vale Asari, Raymundo Baptista, Roberto Kalbusch Saito and Roberto Cid Fernandes Junior.
Concentration Area: Astrophysics
Scientific collaborations:
A | B | C |
UFSC | Brazil | International |
André L. de Amorim (Physics) | Fábio Herpich IAG - USP | Grażyna Stasińska Observatoire de Paris, France |
Claudia Mendes de Oliveira IAG - USP | Dorota Kozieł-Wierzbowska Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Poland |
Marek Sikora Centrum Astronomiczne im. Mikołaja Kopernika, Poland |
Laurie Rousseau-Nepton Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, Kamuela, HI, EUA Project: SIGNALS |
Bernardo Borges UFSC/Araranguá | Vivienne Wild (Astrofísica) University of St Andrews, United Kingdom Project: Royal Society–Newton Advanced Fellowship NAF\R1\180403 |
Ariel Werle INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy |
Guilherme Couto Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile |
Robert Kennicutt University of Arizona / Texas A&M University, USA |
Ralf Klessen Heidelberg University, Germany |
Rosa González Delgado Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Spain |
Sebastián F. Sánchez Univesidad Autónoma de México, Mexico |
Erika Benítez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
José Miguel Rodríguez Espinosa Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias |
Andrew Robinson Rochester Institute of Technology |
Judi L. Provencal University of Delaware |
Electron and Positron Scattering by Molecular Targets
Description: The group aims to contribute to the development of human resources in sciences and to generate necessary quantitative and qualitative data from cross sections obtained theoretically through the scattering of electrons and positrons by molecules.
Researchers: Felipe Arretche
Concentration Area: Atomic and Molecular Physics
Scientific collaborations:
A | B | C |
UFSC | Brazil | International |
Kahio Tibério Mazon (Physics) | Wagner Tenfen UFPel |
Dynamics of Eletrons in Molecules (DynEMol)
Description: DinEMol is an atomistic simulation tool capable of describing the nonadiabatic excited-state molecular dynamics of molecules adsorbed on extended solid surfaces as well as charge transfer processes. It is a mixed self-consistent quantum-classical Ehrenfest method for nonadiabatic MD simulations. The quantum mechanical part is described by the extended Hückel formalism whereas the nuclei are treated by molecular mechanics; the coupling between quantum-classical degrees of freedom is achieved by nonadiabatic generalized Hellmann-Feynman forces that conserve the total (quantum-classical) energy.
This document describes the formalism and demonstrates some of the capabilities of the method by describing photoexcited interfacial electron transfer and the photoisomerization dynamics of molecules in gas phase.
One of the goals of this research is to apply the present method in the study of photochemical switches and active photosensitizers.
Researchers: Luis Guilherme de Carvalho Rego and Kahio Tiberio Mazon.
Concentration Area: Atomic and Molecular Physics.
Scientific collaborations:
Group of Quantum Information from the Southern Region (GIQSul)
Description: The Group of Quantum Information from the Southern Region (in Portuguese: Grupo de Informação Quântica do Sul – GIQSul) started its activities in 2014 at the UFSC Physics Department. Its interests include both experimental and theoretical research in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.
Researchers: Bruno Gouvêa Taketan, Eduardo Inacio Duzzioni, Paulo Henrique Souto Ribeiro and Renné Luiz Câmara Medeiros De Araújo.
Concentration Area: Atomic and Molecular Physics – Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Information, Quantum Computation, Quantum Simulation, and Quantum Thermodynamics.
Scientific collaborations:
A | B | C |
UFSC | Brazil | International |
Antônio Kanaan (Physics) | Antonio Zelaquett Khoury Daniel Tasca Carlos Eduardo Souza Khaled Dechoum (Physics) UFF - Niterói Project: INCT-Informação Quântica | Philip Walther (Physics) University of Vienna, Austria Project: PVE-CNPq(2014-2018) |
Paula Monteiro (Physics) IFSC | Stephen Walborn (Physics) UFRJ and University of Concepción, Chile |
Sérgio Muniz (Physics) USP - São Carlos Project: CHAMADA PÚBLICA FAPESC Nº 16/2019 E FAPESP Nº 47/2019 - OPORTUNIDADE DE FOMENTO À PESQUISA COLABORATIVA FAPESC/FAPESP 2019 - 2020 – AUXÍLIO À PESQUISA CIENTÍFICA | Seyed Mohammad Hashemi Rafsanjani (Physics) University of Miami Project: Fellowship SBF/APS |
Marcelo Martinelli Paulo Nussenzveig (Physics) USP - São Paulo | Andrew Forbes (Physics) University of the Witswatersrand - South Africa |
Lucas Chibebe Céleri Rafael Gomes de Moraes (Physics) UFG - Goiânia | Xiaosong Ma (Physics) Nanjing University - China Project: BRICS/CNPq |
Willamys Cristiano Soares Silva (Physics) UFAL - Arapiraca | Sergei Kulik (Physics) Lomonosov Moscow State University - Russia Project: BRICS/CNPq |
Fernando Iemini (Physics) UFF - Niterói | Miles Padgett (Physics) University of Glasgow - Scotland |
Gabriel Landi (Physics) USP - São Paulo | Martin Lavery (Physics) University of Glasgow - Scotland |
Tiago Debarba UTFPR - Coronel Procópio |
Mossbauer Spectroscopy (LEM)
Researchers: Valderes Drago.
Concentration Area: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics.
Scientific collaborations:
Thin Films and Surfaces (LFFS)
Description: This experimental physics laboratory is dedicated to the study of thin film growth and their structural electrical, magnetic, and optical properties, among others. It also studies surface-adsorbed organic systems.
Researchers: André Avelino Pasa.
Concentration Area: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics.
Scientific collaborations:
Nanostructured Systems (LabSiN)
Description: This experimental group is dedicated to the frabrication and caracterization of electrodeposited magnetic nanostructures.
Researchers: Maria Luisa Sartorelli and Françoise Toledo Reis.
Concentration Area: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics.
Scientific collaborations:
A | B | C |
UFSC | Brazil | International |
Ivan Helmuth Bechtold Marta Elisa Rosso Dotto Juliana Eccher (Physics) | Roberto M. Faria (USP-São Carlos) INCT-INEO | Jeffrey T. Glass, Jason J. Amsden, Charles B. Parker Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States |
Carlos Renato Rambo (Electrical Engineering) | Alexsandro Silvestre da Rocha (Physics/Universidade Federal de Tocantins em Araguaína) INCT- INEO | |
Eduardo Carasek (Chemistry) | René A. Nome Silva (Chemistry/Unicamp) |
Organic Optoelectronic and Anisotropic Systems (LOOSA)
Description: The group is focused on the study of organic anisotropic systems such as liquid crystals, polymers/elastomers and luminescent organic molecules, as well as on their application to optoelectronic devices like OLEDs, OFETs and OPVs. It also investigates biological materials for application to biosensors and bioactive systems.
Researchers: Ivan Helmuth Bechtold, Juliana Eccher and Marta Elisa Rosso Dotto.
Concentration Area: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics.
Scientific collaborations:
A | B | C |
UFSC | Brazil | International |
Maria Luisa Sartorelli Françoise Toledo Reis Éverton F. Jasinski Luis Guilherme C Rego (Physics) | Lizandra Zimmermann (Chemistry/FURB) | Harald Bock (Chemistry) Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, Bordeaux - França Project: COFECUB |
Hugo Gallardo, Eduard Westphal Daniela Mezalira Bernardo Souza (Chemistry) | André A Vieira (Chemistry/UFBA) | Andrew P. Monkman (Physics) University of Durham - Inglaterra Project: OCTA-EU |
Tiago Frizon (Energy and Sustainability - Araranguá) | Aloir Merlo (Chemistry/UFRGS) | Przemyslaw Data (Chemistry) Silesian University of Technology - Polônia Project: OCTA-EU |
Lucas Chavero (Centro Tecnológico de Ciências Exatas e Educação - Blumenau) | Marco Cremona (Physics/PUC-Rio) INCT-INEO | Peter Skabara (Chemistry) University of Glasgow - Escócia Project: OCTA-EU |
Welber G Quirino Cristiano Legnani (Physics/UFJF) INCT-INEO | ||
Roberto M. Faria Gregório C Faria (Physics/USP-São Carlos) INCT-INEO | ||
Aldo Job Deuber Agostini (Physics/UNESP-Pres. Prudente) INCT-INEO | ||
Thiago Cazati (Physics/UFOP) INCT-INEO | ||
Alexandre Marletta (Physics/UFU) |
Statistical Mechanics
Description: Study of emergent (macroscopic) properties from the interaction of many (microscopic) elements. Study of phenomena such as phase transitions, pattern formation, dynamic and stationary processes outside the thermal equilibrium, self-organization, synchronization and chaos in magnetic materials, liquid crystals, micellar systems, catalytic reactions, neural networks, interdisciplinary themes (ecology, economy, society and biology), complex systems and dynamic systems.
Researchers: Alejandro Mendoza Coto, Lucas Nicolao, Marcelo Henrique Romano Tragtenberg.
Concentration Area: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics
Scientific collaborations:
A | B | C |
UFSC | Brazil | International |
Tommaso Macri (Physics) IIF - UFRN | Egor Babaev, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden | |
Daniel Stariolo (Physics) IF - UFF | Rogelio Díaz-Méndez, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden | |
Mats Wallin, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden | ||
jack Lidmar, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden | ||
Reinaldo Garcia-Garcia, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France | ||
Guido Pupillo, UNISTRA, Strasbourg, France | ||
Fabio Cinti, Florence, Italy |
Mathematical Physics
Description: The research developed in this group has contributed to the understanding of aspects linked to the quantum field theory. Its results have been published in the main journals in the field.
Researchers: Marco Aurelio Cattacin Kneipp and Pawel Klimas.
Concentration Area: Mathematical Physics and Field Theory
Scientific collaborations:
High Energy Physics
Description: Study of high energy physics, particle physics, perturbative quantum field theory, applied to more recent experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Researchers: Emmanuel Gräve de Oliveira, Tiago Nunes, Roman Sergeevich Pasechnik.
Concentration Area: Mathematical Physics and Field Theory.
Scientific collaborations:
A | B | C |
UFSC | Brazil | International |
Daniel Almeida Fagundes UFSC - Blumenau | Misha Ryskin Alan D. Martin Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology Durham, UK |
Hadronic Physics in Nuclear and Stellar Matters
Description: The complete study of the QCD phase diagram requires complex calculations involving numerical algorithms developed in lattice QCD (LQCD) or the use of effective models. The former are still restricted to regions of very low chemical potential and, therefore, the use of models has served as a valuable tool for the advancement of knowledge. Nuclear and hadronic models generally make use of relativity, thermodynamics, field theory, and experimental and observational results that serve as links in determining parameters. Research developed by this group covers several regions of the QCD phase diagram. One of its main applications involves nuclear astrophysics and a whole process related to the study of stellar evolution, which starts from the construction of appropriate state equations. These state equations are applied to the investigation of liquid-gas phase transitions in the region of nuclear density and heavy ion collisions.
Researchers: Debora Peres Menezes and Marcus Emmanuel Benghi Pinto.
Concentration Area: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics.
Scientific collaborations:
A | B | C |
UFSC | Brazil | International |
Rudnei Ramos Physics - UERJ | Jean-Loic Kneur Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, Universite de Montpellier, France |
Ricardo Sonego Farias Physics - UFSM | Paul Romatschke University of Colorado, Boulder, USA |
Gastão Krein IFT-UNESP | Volker Koch Nuclear Theory Group - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA |
Dimiter Hadjimichef Physics - UFRGS | Constança Providência Centro de Física Teórica, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal |
Luis Rafael Benito de Castro Physics - UFMA | Helena Pais Centro de Física Teórica, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal |
Cesar Vasquez Flores Física - UEMA | Francesca Gulminelli LPC Caen, France |
Odilon Lourenço Physics - ITA | Prafulla Kumar Panda C.V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, India |
Mariana Dutra Physics - ITA | Jérôme Margueron Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon, Lyon, France |
Luiz Laércio Lopes CEFET- Varginha | Naotaka Yoshinaga Saitama University, Saitama, Japan |
Rodrigo Negreiros Physics- UFF | Eugenio Megias Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain |
Airton Deppman Physics - USP | ||
Celia Anteneodo Physics - PUC-Rio |
Nuclear and Hadronic Physics
Description: In the field of hadron physics, the introduction of subnucleonic degrees is necessary for the understanding of the nuclear structure and of the relativistic effects in the description of nuclear matter and stellar matter and in the properties of finite nuclei. The consistent study of state equations obtained from relativistic models has applications to liquid-gas phase transitions at low densities; in a possible mixed phase known as ‘pasta phase’, also at low densities; in the production of particles at high temperatures in heavy ion collisions; in addition to important applications in nuclear astrophysics. The research carried out by this group, which also includes the study of stellar matter and quarks under intense magnetic field, have had a very positive impact on the development of nuclear and hadronic physics in the southern region of Brazil, with the constant improvement of human resources at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Researchers: Sidney dos Santos Avancini and Celso de Camargo Barros Júnior.
Concentration Area: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics
Scientific collaborations:
Synthesis and Characterization Group of nanoMaterials (LSCnM)
Description: Research group dedicated to the synthesis of nanomaterials using mechanochemistry promoted by a high-energy ball mill. It has extensive experience in transition metal chalcogenide alloys with applications in super / semi-conductive, magnetic, catalysts, biomolecule sensors, etc. It also acts in the characterization of these nanomaterials, and other solid samples produced by other chemical routes, using physical techniques, such as main focus on X-Ray Diffraction, electron microscopy (including chemical analysis and electron diffraction), calorimetry, Raman spectroscopy, etc. Conducts experiments using synchrotron light sources since 2002 both in Brazil (in LNLS – CNPEM) and abroad (LURE / France; Diamond / England; SLS / Switzerland). Studies of phase transitions induced by high pressures (> 1 GPa) and high temperatures (<1600oC) are also part of the experimental activities of the group, which also excels for theoretical activities both in the virtual modeling of nanocrystals for the application of the total scattering method (partnership with ToScaLab group, from Italy) and in the electronic structure modeling using calculations of first principles using the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The training of human resources focused on nanoscience and nanotechnology is one of the main focuses of the coordinator of the research group. Opportunities always open!
Researchers: Carlos Eduardo Maduro de Campos
Concentration Area: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics
Scientific collaborations:
Links: e
Magnetism, Superconductivity and Electronic Structure of Solids (LABMAG)
Description: Laboratory of research oriented to preparing and characterization of new materials with a promising potential in technological applications.
Researchers: Clederson Paduani.
Concentration Area: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics.