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Seminar with prof. Peter Palffy-Muhoray – 15/July/2015 – 10h15min

13/07/2015 09:00

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar: 

  Vignettes from the world of liquid crystals 

Peter Palffy-Muhoray

Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University – USA


Liquid crystals, discovered some 125 years ago, are orientationally ordered soft materials. Although they have received considerable attention – much of it due to their potential for applications in display devices – they continue to astonish, puzzle and delight. In this talk, I will describe some unusual phenomena in liquid crystalline systems which originate in orientational order. I will discuss ideas about the underlying physics, and indicate some intriguing problems that remain unsolved.


Date: 15/July/2015 – (wednesday) – Place: Sala 212 – Auditório do Departamento de Física– Time: 10h15min


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