Seminar with prof. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Francisco Sanchez – 20/November/2015 – 10h15min
THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:
Ionized gas in CALIFA galaxies

Investigador Titular Instituto de Astronomia Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Circuito de la Investigacion Cientifica Ciudad Universitaria
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Francisco Sanchez
Instituto de Astronomia / Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
We present here a summary of the most recent results derived by the CALIFA survey. In particular we focus on the characteristics of the ionized gas, and our exploration of the gas abundances using these integral field data. We found ionized gas in all galaxies, irrespectively of their morphological type. The nature of the ionized gas and its relation with the properties of the underlying stellar populations are explored in detail. Using our own developed tools we have extracted the ionized gas properties of ~10.000 HII regions, in order to explore: (i) the relation between these properties and those of the host galaxies and the underlying stellar population; (ii) the local relation between the gas abundance and the stellar mass density; (iii) the abundance gradient, and its universal nature. All these results indicate that star-formation, stellar mass growth and chemical enrichment are local processes in galaxies, dominated by the local potential well, and they are consistent with an inside-out scenario of galaxy growth.
Date: 20/November/2015 – (friday) – Place: Sala 212 – Auditorio do Departamento de Física – Time: 10h15min