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Seminar with postdoctorate Sergio E. Ulloa – August 21, 2017 – 10 horas

17/08/2017 12:00

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar: 

  Dirac Electrons in Two Dimensional Crystals 

Sergio E. Ulloa

Department of Physics and Astronomy and Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute

Ohio University


Graphene, a monoatomic layer of carbon, is perhaps the simplest and most easily available material where electrons behave as massless Dirac particles.  Apart from its many promising technological applications, the study of graphene (and other layered materials) has opened a number of interesting theoretical questions:  the microscopic crystalline structure requires an additional degree of freedom (the pseudo spin) that gives rise to effects such as the Klein paradox or Veselago electron lenses.

This relativistic dynamics is further emphasized by the presence of an interesting relativistic effect: the spin-orbit interaction (SOI), which is present in materials that lack inversion symmetry in the lattice structure or arises from external or interfacial fields that break spatial symmetries. Although SOI is weak in natural graphene, it can be enhanced by local hybridizations with impurities by manipulation of substrates or applied gates. Moreover, the effective exchange interactions between magnetic impurities in this and related 2D materials exhibit interesting behavior.

In this talk, I will present our studies of electronic transport and Kondo screening in graphene, as well as the role of intrinsic SOI in transition metal dichalcogenides in mediating RKKY interactions.

Date: August 21, 2017 – (monday) – Place: Sala 212 – Auditótio do Departamento de Física – Time: 10 horas


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