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Seminar with Kauan Dalfovo Marquez- May 06, 2022 (friday) – 10:15 a.m.

02/05/2022 08:36

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:

Delta Baryons in Magnetized Neutron-Star Matter

Kauan Dalfovo Marquez



Strong magnetic fields, such the ones expected to occur in the interior of neutron stars, can modify the microscopic composition of baryonic matter. In this work, we study magnetic field effects on neutron star matter containing the baryon octet and additional heavier spin-3/2 baryons (the deltas). We make use of different relativistic models for the equation of state of dense matter under the influence of strong magnetic fields, also considering the effects of the anomalous magnetic moment of leptons and baryons. We find that a strong magnetic field enhances the delta-baryon population in dense matter, while decreasing the relative density of hyperons. Astrophysical implications are drawn from the assumption that magnetic neutron stars are likely to contain delta-baryons in their interior.

Date: May 06, 2022 – (friday) – Time: 10:15 a.m.

link to access the youtube channel: https://youtu.be/pbRzT9CpcYg


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