Alejandro Mendoza Coto

AlejandroMendozaCotoHolds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the Federal University of Habana, Cuba (2009), assistant professor of the Theoretical Physics Department of the “Universidad de La Habana”, Cuba (2009-2011), and PhD. in Physics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2015). Post-doctorate in the Group of Complex Fluids at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2016). Currently is an Associate Professor in the Physics Department at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He has experience in the field of Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter and acts especially in the following themes: phase transitions and topological phases at systems with competitive interactions, both classical and quantum; Renormalization group applied to condensed matter and DFT applied to complex fluids.

Research Area: Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics
Phone no: +55 48 3721-2859
Office: 109-C – Departamento de Física
Research Interests: Phase-transitions and topological phases at systems with competitive interactions, both classical and quantum; Renormalization group applied to non-homogeneous phases in condensed matter physics, and Density-functional Theory (DFT) applied to complex fluids
CV: Lattes

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