Announcement of the selection process for a postdoctoral scholarship (FAPESC Public Call 02/2024).

18/06/2024 16:34

Considering FAPESC Public Call No. 20/2024 for the selection of POST-DOCTORATE SCHOLARSHIPS, the Postgraduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina – PPGFSC-UFSC hereby publishes Notice 004/2024/PPGFSC for the internal selection of application projects for Post-Doctorate/FAPESC scholarships, starting in 2024.

Applications will be accepted from 5pm on June 18, 2024 until 5pm on June 26, 2024.

Click here to access the PPGFSC/UFSC selection process website.


Approval of applications to the Admission Process 2024/2

15/06/2024 14:17

The Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina announces the list of the approved applications to the Admission Process entrance at the semester 2 (2024/2).

Click here and have access to the registered candidates list and their respective situation in the admission process.

To file an appeal about the registration, the candidate must be send June 17, 2024 to June 20, 2024 5 pm BRT.

Reopening of the Admission Process Calls to the Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

12/06/2024 18:34

Due to technical issues on our website, the Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC has reopened the admission process’s call for the Master and PhD programs entrance at the semester 2024/2.

New applications can be submitted from June 12th 6 pm until June 14th, 2024 5 pm BRT.

The PPGFSC uses the grade achieved in the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses (Exame Unificado de Pós-graduações em Física – EUF) for admission to the Master’s and Doctoral Programs. The PPGFSC regards the grade of the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses.

Click here to access the admission process website of the PPGFSC/UFSC.

Admission Process Calls to the Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

03/06/2024 15:21

The Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC makes public the admission process’s call for the Master and PhD programs entrance at the semester 2024/2.

Applications can be submitted from June 3rd until June 9th, 2024 5 pm BRT. The PPGFSC uses the grade achieved in the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses (Exame Unificado de Pós-graduações em Física – EUF) for admission to the Master’s and Doctoral Programs. The PPGFSC regards the grade of the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses.

Click here to access the admission process website of the PPGFSC/UFSC.

Admission Process Notice to the Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

08/11/2023 19:22

The Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC makes public the admission process’s call for the Master and PhD programs entrance at the semester 2024/1.

Applications can be submitted from November 9, 2023 until November 24, 2023 5 pm BRT. The PPGFSC uses the grade achieved in the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses (Exame Unificado de Pós-graduações em Física – EUF) for admission to the Master’s and Doctoral Programs. The PPGFSC regards the grade of the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses.

Click here to access the admission process website of the PPGFSC/UFSC

Seminário com Prof. Dr. Alejandro Mendoza Coto – 18 de agosto de 2023 (sexta-feira) – 10h15min

14/08/2023 11:17

O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:

Fases de quasi-cristal na matéria quântica mole*

Prof. Dr. Alejandro Mendoza Coto
Departamento de Física, UFSC

*Evento de presença obrigatória da disciplina seminários

Avanços recentes na tecnologia de cavidades QED tem permitido a produção de interações efetivas sob demanda em sistemas de átomos frios. Tal customização das interações entre átomos em sistemas experimentais cria uma plataforma na qual modelos teóricos podem ser recriados e testados. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho estuda as propriedades do estado fundamental de um gás de bósons em duas dimensões com interações não locais realistas que apresentam múltiplas escalas características de comprimento. Esta classe de modelo é bem conhecida na área de matéria condensada mole por produzir fases moduladas complexas, em particular fases quasicristalinas.

No caso quântico, é estudado o diagrama de fases do modelo e mostrada a estabilização de fases quasicristalinas em determinadas regiões do espaço de parâmetros. Adicionalmente são caracterizados alguns observáveis experimentalmente relevantes para o sistema. Em um segundo momento do seminário é apresentada uma teoria microscópica para as excitações de baixa energia em um gás de bósons modulado na densidade com padrão periódico ou quase-periódico. O resultado obtido generaliza o conhecido espectro de energia de Bogoliubov para as excitações em condensados não homogêneos, enquanto mantém a conexão com os parâmetros microscópicos do sistema. A partir da construção dessa teoria são estudadas as propriedades do espectro de energia das excitações de baixa energia em estruturas quase cristalinas octogonais, decagonais e dodecagonais.

[1] Cavity QED with quantum gases: new paradigms in many-body physics. F. Mivehvar, F. Piazza, T. Donner and H. Ritsch. Advances in Physics. (2021)
[2] Exploring quantum quasicrystal patterns: A variational study A. Mendoza-Coto, R. Turcati, V. Zampronio, R. Díaz-Méndez, T. Macrì, and F. Cinti. Phys. Rev. B 105, 134521. (2022)

Data: 18 de agosto de 2023 (sexta-feira) – Horário: 10h15min
Local: Sala 212 – Auditório do Departamento de Física

Agenda de Seminários:

Approval of applications to the Admission Process 2023/2

14/06/2023 20:56

The Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC – announces the list of the approved applications to the Admission Process entrance at the semester 2023/2.

Click here to see the registered candidates list and their respective situation in the admission process.

Filing an appeal about the registration must made from June 14, 2023 to June 19, 2023 5 pm (BRT).

Seminário com Profa. Dra. Veronica Dexheimer – 12 de maio de 2023 (sexta-feira) – 10h15min

10/05/2023 15:58

O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:

Neutron stars in the QCD phase diagram*
Profa. Dra. Veronica Dexheimer
Kent State University
*Evento de presença obrigatória da disciplina seminários

Neutron stars populate a very important part of the high-energy or QCD phase diagram, where fundamental information is currently provided by theory, laboratory experiments, and astrophysics. How to translate between results obtained from different environments that produce different conditions is one of the most important open questions in nuclear and high-energy physics today. I address how differences in isospin, strangeness, and magnetic field strength can modify the structure and position of coexistence lines in the QCD phase diagram.

Data: 12 de maio de 2023 (sexta-feira) – Horário: 10h15min
Local: Sala virtual do ConferênciaWeb da Rede Nacional de Pesquisa

Link de acesso ao canal do programa no YouTube:

Admission Process Notice to the Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

05/05/2023 14:07

The Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC makes public the admission process’s notice to the Master and PhD programs entrance at the semester 2023/2.

Applications are open from May 22, 2023 until 5 pm on June 7, 2023. The PPGFSC takes into account the grade of the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses (Exame Unificado de Pós-Graduações em Física – EUF) to the entrance at the master and PhD programs.

Click here to access the admission process website of the PPGFSC/UFSC.

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