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Françoise Toledo Reis

39f2c98Summary curriculum: She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Campinas (1994), a Master’s Degree (1997) and a Phd (2001) in Physics from the University of Campinas. She currently works as an Associate Professor at the Department of Physics at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC. She works in the area of Physics, with emphasis in electron transport and electrical properties of surfaces; interfaces and films, mainly in the following themes: electrical and opto-electronic characterization (dc transport measures, impedance spectroscopy, photoconductivity) of new materials for applications on devices such as polymeric/organic solar cells, polymeric/organic light emitting diodes, sensors, etc. The materials studied include amorphous semiconductors (a-Ge:H and a-Si:H), organic semiconductors (phthalocyanines and perillenes) and polymers (MEH-PPV, polyaniline, P3OT), and ceramics (TiO2). Relevant systems include metal-semiconductor organic/polymeric interfaces using impedance/admittance spectroscopy techniques and I-V characteristic as a function of temperature.

Research Area: Condensed Matter Physics
Phone no.  +55-48-3721-2858
Office:  111 – Department of Physics
Personal Page
Research themes: Electrical characterization of organic semiconductors by admittance spectroscopy; study of the properties of optoelectronic devices emitting polymeric; electrical and optoelectronic characterization of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs); electrical, optoelectronic and magnetic properties of nanostructured materials.
Curriculum Lattes

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