Admission Process 2017/1

The Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC makes public the Admission Process Notice to the masters and PhD entrance at the semester 2017/1.Cartaz sitev1

The applications will be made November 7, 2016 to December 7, 2016. The PPGFSC uses the grade of Exame Unificado de Pós-Graduações em Física – EUF for the entrance in the master’s and PhD courses.

It will be aimed 8 scholarships to the master program and 8 scholarships to the PhD program.

Final results

There’s no changes at the final results after filing of appeals.

Minutes from the Selection Committee
Minutes from the Scholarship Committee

Rectification schedule Notice of the Admission Process

Approved applications after filing of appeals


Approved Applications


Master Notice
PhD Notice

Application form: (applications closed at 12/07/2016 at 5 pm.)

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