Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis of Joana Carolina Sodré – June 7, 2019 – friday – 14 pm

01/06/2019 10:50

The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:

Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis

Joana Carolina Sodré


Defense Committee:

Prof. Dr. Sidney dos Santos Avancini – (president) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Magno Silva Santos – (local member) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Celso de Camargo Barros Junior – (local member) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Jeferson de Lima Tomazelli – (local member) – UFSC/FSC

Date: June 7, 2019 – friday – Time: 14 pm – Place: Sala C06 – Auditório do PPGECT (blocos modulados do CFM)

Tags: Exame de qualificação

Call for the scholarship PNPD/CAPES with PPGFSC/UFSC – 2019/2

14/05/2019 14:38

The Graduate Program in Physics of  Federal University of  Santa Catarina – PPGFSC/UFSC, Florianópolis, announces the vacancy of 1 (one) postdoctoral scholarship from the (Programa Nacional de Pós-doutorado da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior  – PNPD/CAPES), to the period of 2 (two) years, it can be renewed annually at a maximum of 60 months.

The monthly amount of the scholarship is R$ 4.100.00 (four thousand one hundred reais) beyond the values destined to assets.


Seminar with professor Fabian Maucher – April 9, 2019 (tuesday) – 4:00 p.m.

04/04/2019 11:09

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:

Pattern-formation and Critical Behaviour in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates
Fabian Maucher

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark


Fabian Maucher, Yong-Chang Zhang, and Thomas Pohl
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark 
The formation of patterns with long-range order continues to fascinate scientists from a broad range of natural sciences [1]. In this talk I will discuss pattern-formation in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. In this system the possibility of obtaining quantum states with self-organized long-ranged ordering can be facilitated by quantum fluctuations which suppress collapse and pave the way for supersolids in this system [2]. Here, supersolidity refers to a state of matter which displays long-range ordering whilst maintaining a large superfluid fraction. I will present recent results which focus on the critical behaviour of the superfluid-supersolid phase-transition [3] and the crucial role quantum fluctuations can play for the latter. We find that quantum fluctuations can alter the order of the phase transition from first- to second order. Furthermore, apart from the usual triangular lattice of density droplets, quantum fluctuations can give rise to a novel quantum state whose density distribution displays a honeycomb structure.

[1] A. M. Turing, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. B 23 237 (1952).
[2] H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, C. Wink, T. Maier, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, Nature 530 194 (2016).
[3] Y. Zhang, F.M., T. Pohl, arXiv:1903.06161v1 (2019).

Date: April 9, 2019 – (tuesday) – Place: Sala 212 – Auditório do Departamento de Física – Time: 4:00 p.m.

Seminar with professor Profª. Drª. Débora Peres Menezes – April 5, 2019 (friday) – 10:15 am

01/04/2019 11:25

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:


A física nuclear como ferramenta para explicar magnetares e ondas gravitacionais

Profª. Drª. Débora Peres Menezes


A neutron star was first detected as a pulsar in 1967. It is one of the most mysterious objects in the universe, with a radius of the order of 10 km and masses that can reach two solar masses. In 2017, a gravitational wave was detected (GW170817) and its source was identified as the merger of two neutron stars. The same event was seen in X-ray, gamma-ray, UV, IR, radio frequency and even in the optical region of the electromagnetic spectrum, starting the new era of multi-messenger astronomy. To understand neutron stars, an appropriate equation of state that satisfies bulk nuclear matter properties has to be used and GW170817 has provided some extra constraints to determine it.
On the other hand, some neutron stars have strong magnetic fields up to 10 to the 15 Gauss on the surface as compared with the usual 10 to the 12 Gauss normally present in ordinary pulsars. They are called magnetars. While the description of ordinary pulsars is not completely established, describing magnetars poses a real challenge because the magnetic fields can produce an anisotropic equation of state. It is also known that low magnetic fields do not affect the equation of state and the resulting star macroscopic properties but they do affect the crust-core transition and the crust thickness with many consequences, as the explanation of glitches and the calculation of the Love number and quadrupole tidal polarisabilities.I will talk about the importance of the new constraints imposed by GW170817 in the determination of appropriate equations of state, possible ways to describe hadronic and quark matter subject to strong magnetic fields and the problems that lie ahead in the understanding of magnetars.

Date: April 5, 2019 – (friday) – Place: Sala 212 – Auditório do Departamento de Física – Time: 10:15 am

Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis of Letícia Martendal – February 28, 2019 – thursday – 2 pm

28/02/2019 11:09

The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:

Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis

Letícia Martendal


Defense Committee:

Prof. Dr. Kahio Tibério Mazon – (president) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Lucio Sartori Farenzena – (local member) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Felipe Arretche – (local member) – UFSC/FSC

Date: February 28, 2019 – thursday – Time: 2 pm – Place: Sala 114 – Sala de Reuniões do Departamento de Física

Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis of Everton Botan – March 1, 2019 – friday – 10 am

23/02/2019 11:20

The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:

Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis

Everton Botan


Defense Committee:

Prof. Dr. Antônio Nemer Kanaan Neto – (president) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Ferreira Lopes – (external member) – INPE
Prof. Dr. Daniel Ruschel Dutra – (local member) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Roberto Kalbusch Saito – (local member) – UFSC/FSC

Date: March 1, 2019 – friday – Time: 10 am – Place: Sala 114 – Sala de Reuniões do Departamento de Física

Seminar with professor Enrique Arias – November 28, 2018 (wednesday) – 10:15 a.m.

26/11/2018 14:22

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:

O motor térmico quântico de Unruh-Otto

Prof. Enrique Arias
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Neste seminário apresentaremos um motor térmico quântico que aproveita as flutuações quânticas do vácuo para modelar um reservatório térmico. As propriedades térmicas do vácuo podem ser postas de manifesto quando um campo quântico é colocado nas vizinhanças de um buraco negro (efeito Hawking) ou se ele é analisado por um observador não-inercial com aceleração própria constante (efeito Unruh). Desta maneira um qubit acelerado em contato com o estado de vácuo de um campo quântico perceberá este estado como um banho térmico com temperatura proporcional à sua aceleração. Conseqüentemente, o qubit acelerado pode explorar as flutuações quânticas do vácuo (banho térmico) e extrair energia dele (calor) para realizar trabalho útil e assim definir um motor térmico. É importante notar que as noções de calor e trabalho que temos que usar para definir nosso motor térmico via o efeito Unruh não são as definições usuais e neste ponto temos que utilizar as prescrições da termodinâmica quântica. Neste seminário apresentaremos especificamente o motor térmico quântico de Otto via o efeito Unruh e analisaremos sua eficiência e as condições de periodicidade e positividade necessárias para seu funcionamento.

Date: November 28, 2018 – (wednesday) – Place: Sala 114 – Sala de reuniões do Departamento de Física – Time: 10:15 a.m.

Seminar with professor Anne Broadbent – November 30, 2018 (friday) – 10:15 a.m.

26/11/2018 09:00

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:

Quantum Uncloneability

Prof Anne Broadbent
University of Ottawa


The quantum “no-cloning” theorem is one of the simplest yet most profound results in quantum information. According to this theorem, it is not possible to perfectly copy an unknown quantum state. In this presentation, we will introduce the formalism that leads to quantum information and the no-cloning theorem and we will discuss some of the amazing consequences of this theorem, such as unforgeable quantum money and perfectly secure quantum communications.

Date: November 30, 2018 – (friday) – Place: Auditório do Espaço Físico Integrado – EFI / 1º andar – Time: 10:15 a.m.

Call for the scholarship PNPD/CAPES with PPGFSC/UFSC – 2019/1

12/11/2018 00:01

The Graduate Program in Physics of  Federal University of  Santa Catarina – PPGFSC/UFSC, Florianópolis, announces the vacancy of 1 (one) postdoctoral scholarship from the (Programa Nacional de Pós-doutorado da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior  – PNPD/CAPES), to the period of 2 (two) years, it can be renewed annually at a maximum of 60 months.

The monthly amount of the scholarship is R$ 4.100.00 (four thousand one hundred reais) beyond the values destined to assets.

The candidate has to act in THEORETICAL or EXPERIMENTAL research lines at one of the following areas of research: Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics, Mathematical Physics and Quantum Field Theory and Nuclear Physics and Hadrons.

The complete regulation of the Graduate Program (Programa Nacional de Pós-Doutorado – PNPD) is described at: Portaria nº 086, de 03 de julho de 2013.

To make your application: click here

Admission Process Notice to the Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

05/11/2018 17:52

The Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC makes public the admission process’s notice to the Master and PhD programs entrance at the semester 2019/1.

Registration will be made up October 29, 2018 until 5 pm on November 26, 2018, The PPGFSC regards the grade of the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses (Exame Unificado de Pós-Graduações em Física – EUF) to the entrance at the master and PhD programs.

Click here to access the admission process website of the PPGFSC/UFSC

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