Doctoral Thesis defence of Artur Marx Andermann – June 24, 2022 – friday – 9:00 am

20/06/2022 18:47

The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:

Defense of Doctoral Thesis

Artur Marx Andermann



Defense Committee:

Prof. Dr. Luis Guilherme de Carvalho Rego – (president) – (UFSC/FSC)

Prof. Dr. Marlus Koehler – (external member) – UFPR

Prof. Dr. Graziani Candiotto – (external member) – UFRJ

Prof. Dr. Ivan Helmuth Bechtold – (local member) – UFSC/FSC

Prof. Dr. Kahio Tiberio Mazon – (local member) – UFSC/FSC

Prof. Dr. Lucas Nicolao – (supplementary member) – UFSC/FSC


Date: June 24, 2022 – friday – Times: 9:00 am – Place: sala virtual da Conferência Web da Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP)

Virtual room access link:

Seminar with Prof. Dr. Alejandro Mendoza Coto- June 3, 2022 (friday) – 10:15 a.m.

30/05/2022 09:47

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:

Exploring quantum quasi-crystal patterns: A variational approach

Prof. Dr. Alejandro Mendoza Coto



In the present seminar I will discuss the emergence of quasicrystal configurations in the ground-state phase diagram of bosonic systems interacting through pair potentials of Lifshitz’s type. By using a variational mean-field approach, we determine the relevant features of the corresponding potential interaction kind stabilizing such quasicrystalline states in two dimensions. Unlike their classical counterpart, in which the interplay between only two wave vectors determines the resulting symmetries of the solutions, the quantum picture relates in a more complex way to the instabilities of the homogeneous phase. Moreover, the quantum quasicrystal patterns are found to emerge as the ground state with no need of moderate thermal fluctuations. The study extends to the exploration of the excitation properties and the possible existence of superquasicrystals, i.e., supersolidlike quasicrystalline states in which the long-range nonperiodic density profile coexists with a nonzero superfluid fraction. Our calculations suggest that, in an intermediate region between the homogeneous superfluid and the normal quasicrystal phases, these exotic states indeed exist at zero temperature. Comparison with full numerical simulations provides a solid verification of the variational approach adopted in this paper.

Date: June 3, 2022 – (friday) – Time: 10:15 a.m.

link to access the youtube channel:

Doctoral Thesis defence of Clésio Evangelista Mota – May 30, 2022 – monday – 2:30 pm

27/05/2022 11:30

The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:

Defense of Doctoral Thesis

Clésio Evangelista Mota



Defense Committee:

Profª. Drª. Débora Peres Menezes – (president) – (UFSC/FSC)

Prof. Dr. Dimiter Hadjimichef – (external member) – UFRGS

Prof. Dr. Luis Cesar Nunes dos Santos – (external member) – UFPB

Prof. Dr. Tiago José Nunes da Silva – (local member) – UFSC/FSC

Prof. Dr. Celso de Camargo Barros Junior – (supplementary member)- UFSC/FSC

Prof. Dr. César Oswaldo Vásquez Flores – (supplementary member) – UEMASUL


Date: May 30, 2022 – monday – Times: 2:30 pm – Place: sala virtual da Conferência Web da Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP)

Virtual room access link:

Publication of the Selection Process for admission to the Graduate Program in Physics at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

18/05/2022 18:51

The Graduate Program in Physics at UFSC makes public the notices of the selection process for the master’s and doctoral courses for admission in the second semester of 2022.

Enrollment will take place from May 18 to June 27, 2022, until 5 pm. The PPGFSC uses the score of the Unified Examination of Graduate Studies in Physics – EUF for admission to the master’s doctorate courses.

Click here to access the PPGFSC/UFSC selection process page.

Doctoral Thesis defence of Thomas Häffner – April 29, 2022 – friday – Times: 3:30 pm

26/04/2022 14:50

The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:


Defense of Doctoral Thesis

Thomas Häffner


Defense Committee:

Prof. Dr. Paulo Henrique Souto Ribeiro – (president) – (UFSC/FSC)

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schneider Tasca – (external member) – UFF

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Inacio Duzzioni – (local member) – UFSC/FSC

Prof. Dr. Renné Luiz Câmara Medeiros de Araújo – (201800935) – UFSC/FSC

Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues de Souza – (supplementary member) –  UFF

Prof. Dr. Luis Guilherme de Carvalho Rego – (supplementary member)- UFSC/FSC

Date: April 29, 2022friday – Times: 3:30 pm – Place: por intermédio da plataforma ZOOM

Virtual room access link:


Defence of M.Sc. dissertation of Valéria Mariani Mattiello – April 29, 2022 – 10:00 am

26/04/2022 14:38

The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:


Defence of M.Sc. dissertation

Valéria Mariani Mattiello


Defense Commitee:

Prof. Dr. Alejandro Mendoza Coto – (president) – UFSC/FSC

Prof. Dr. Daniel Adrian Stariolo – (external member) – UFF

Prof. Dr. Lucas Nicolao – (local member) – UFSC/FSC

Prof. Dr. Rogelio Díaz Méndez – (miembro suplente) – KTH – Sweden

Prof. Dr. Nilton da Silva Branco – (miembro suplente) – UFSC/FSC


Date: April 29, 2022friday – Time: 10:00 am – Place: sala virtual Conferência Web da Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP)

Virtual room access link:

Call for applications to the Sandwich Doctoral Program Abroad

25/02/2022 16:49

Dear PhD students,

From 10 am on February 28, 2022, applications for a proposal to carry out an internship abroad by the Sandwich Doctorate Program abroad (PDSE/CAPES) for the year 2022 are open.

In this selection process, the PPGFSC has the availability of a scholarship for a minimum of 6 (six) months and a maximum of 10 (ten) months.

Below are CAPES public notice nº 10/2022, which establishes general rules for the event, as well as public notice nº 1/2022/PPGFSC, which establishes specific rules for the selection of candidates for the Graduate Program in Physics (PPGFSC).

We ask that all candidates read the notices carefully.

Applications will close at 5 pm on March 14, 2022.

Click here for more information.

Doctoral Thesis defence of Edgar Yubert Huayra Paitan – March 10, 2022 – thursday – Times: 2:00 pm

24/02/2022 15:57

The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:

Defense of Doctoral Thesis

Edgar Yubert Huayra Paitan


Defense Committee:

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Gräve de Oliveira – (president) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Gil da Silveira – (external member) – UFRGS
Prof. Dr. Victor Paulo Barros Gonçalves – (external member) – UFPEL
Prof. Dr. Tiago José Nunes da Silva – (local member) – UFSC/FSC
Prof. Dr. Daniel Almeida Fagundes – (supplementary member)- UFSC/Blumenau

Date: March 10, 2022 – thursday – Times: 2:00 pm – Place: sala virtual da Conferência Web da Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP)

Virtual room access link:

Return to Graduate Classes in 2022/1

22/02/2022 15:22

As approved at the 205th ordinary meeting of the Delegate Collegiate of the Graduate Program in Physics, the subjects for the 2022/1 semester will be offered according to the following schedule:

Subject: Quantum Mechanics I
Subject Code: FSC3310000
Professor: Emmanuel Gräve de Oliveira
Class Hours: 90 (ninety)
When: Mondays from 4 pm to 6 pm; Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 12 am
Where: Room 212 – Auditório
Schedule: 100% in-person classes, starting on 03/07/2022.

Subject: Electromagnetic Theory I
Subject Code: FSC410129
Professor: Celso de Camargo Barros Jr.
Class Hours: 90 (ninety)
When: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Where: Room 212 – Auditório
03/07/2011 to 03/25/2022 – Remote classes (synchronous);
04/18/2022 to 07/08/2022 – In-person classes.

Subject: Special Topics in Physics: Higher Education Physics I, II and III
Subject Code: FSC410103, FSC510009 and FSC510010
Professor: Marcelo Henrique Romano Tragtenberg
Class Hours: 30 (thirty)
When: Tuesdays from 5pm to 7pm
Where: Room 212 – Auditório
03/07/2011 to 03/25/2022 – Remote classes (synchronous);
04/18/2022 to 07/08/2022 – In-person classes.

The subject FSC340000 STELLAR STRUCTURE AND EVOLUTION will not be taught in the 2022/1 semester.

Click here to view the full 2022/1 calendar.

Seminar with Prof. Dr. Natalia Vale Asari- February 25, 2022 (friday) – 10:15 a.m.

22/02/2022 08:55

THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:

Enriquecimento químico de galáxias em grandes bases de dados

Profa. Dra. Natalia Vale Asari



Oxigênio, nitrogênio, carbono. Ferro, níquel, molibdênio. A maioria dos elementos químicos mais pesados do que hidrogênio e hélio foram formados por nucleossíntese estelar. O ciclo de conversão do gás em estrelas e de estrelas em gás, portanto, regula o enriquecimento químico de uma galáxia. Bases de dados de milhões de espectros nos permitiram obter leis empíricas entre propriedades físicas de galáxias, como massa estelar, taxa de formação estelar e abundâncias químicas. Essas leis nos fornecem pistas sobre a interdependência entre a história de formação estelar e da evolução química de galáxias. Neste seminário, explicarei como os espectros de galáxias contém as impressões digitais da microfísica das nebulosas. Mostrarei também resultados de nossos trabalhos recentes com uma grande base de dados de espectroscopia integral. Darei destaque ao papel do gás difuso, e como ele pode enviesar a inferência de abundâncias químicas em galáxias.

Date: February 25, 2022 – (friday) – Time: 10:15 a.m.

link to access the youtube channel:

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