THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:
Panorama atual da Pós-Graduação em Física da UFSC
Prof. Luis Guilherme de Carvalho Rego – Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física
Neste seminário serão apresentados os dados mais recentes do programa de PG em Física da UFSC (ex., número de alunos, cursos, gastos, etc.) e as diretrizes estabelecidas pela CAPES para as áreas de Física e Astronomia no próximo triênio (2013-2015), além de assuntos de interesse geral. Estimulamos a presença de alunos e professores. O encontro estará aberto para a apresentação de sugestões e discussões acerca do programa.
Date: 4/October/2013 – (Friday) – Place: Auditório do Bloco G – Sala 419 – Time: 10:00 am
The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:
Defence of M.Sc. dissertation
Diego Emilio Zanellato
Efeitos de Flutuação do Vácuo na Eletrodinâmica Quântica
Defense Commitee
Prof. Dr. Jeferson de Lima Tomazelli – (president) – FSC/UFSC
Prof. Dr. Cesar Rogerio de Oliveira – (external member) – UFSCar/DM
Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Cattacin Kneipp – (local member) – FSC/UFSC
Prof. Dr. Sidney dos Santos Avancini – (local member) – FSC/UFSC
Date: 27/September/2013 – Friday – Time: 3:00 pm – Place: Auditório do Bloco G – Sala 419
THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:
Panorama atual do Mercado para o Físico Médico no Brasil
Walmoli Gerber Jr.
Bacharel em Física pela UFSC e Especialista em Física do Radiodiagnóstico pela ABFM.
O seminário apresentará um panorama atual dos ambientes de atuação do físico médico em todo território nacional, as normas que exigem a presença desse profissional, remuneração média e qualificações necessárias nas áreas de Radiodiagnóstico, Medicina Nuclear e Radioterapia.
Date: 27/September/2013 – (Friday) – Place: Auditório do Bloco G – Sala 419 – Time: 10:00 am
THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:
Exact vortex solutions in the extended CPN Skyrme-Faddeev model.
Prof. Pawel Klimas
Departamento de Física – UFSC
The Skyrme-Faddeev model is a candidate for an effective classical model of the pure Yang-Mills theory in the low-energy (non-perturbative) limit. Its extended version possesses an integrable sector presenting an infinite number of local conservation laws, which are associated to the hidden symmetries of the zero curvature representation of the theory in loop space. In this sector one can construct some exact vortex solutions with waves traveling along them.
Date: 20/September/2013 – (Friday) – Place: Sala 419 – Auditório do Bloco G – Time: 10:00
THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:
Colour-tuneable organic light-emitting transistors
Prof. Heinz von Seggern
Electronic Materials, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany.
The unique property of ambipolar organic light emitting field-effect transistors (OLETs) is the ability to position the light emission zone within the transistor channel through the applied biases. In this talk the basics of the ambipolar OLET will be discussed and two examples for colour conversion will be demonstrated. Both approaches take advantage of the ability of a controlled displacement of the recombination zone through the organic semiconductors. In the first approach two different acenes with different emission colours are employed in a parallel stack in a top-contact bottom-gate FET configuration. It will be demonstrated that due to thermionic emission of electrons at the source, light of one colour can be generated near the source contact even in hole accumulation. Due to the electrically controllable positioning the charge carrier recombination zone can be directed from the top acene layer to in the bottom acene layer. Thereby the emitted light can be continuously shifted by about 50 nm from green to red. A second approach takes advantage of the horizontal displacement of the recombination zone within the channel of the transistor. On top of the semi-transparent gate electrode of a F8BT transistor a colour conversion layer is deposited in a wedge-like shape partially covering the channel. In the ambipolar regime the charge carrier recombination takes place in the F8BT layer, and dependent on the position of the recombination zone either the emitted light of the F8BT layer or the partially absorbed and converted light from the colour conversion layer can be detected. The electroluminescence maximum of the emitted light can be shifted by about 30 nm. The physics and potential applications of such colour tuneable OLETs will be discussed.
Date: 13/September/2013 – (Friday) – Place: Sala 419 – Auditório do Bloco G – Time: 10:00