Seminar with prof. Prof. Norberto Scoccola – Quark matter under strong magnetic fields – 6/September/2013 – 10:00
THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:
Quark matter under strong magnetic fields
Prof. Norberto Scoccola / Depto. de Fisica, Lab. TANDAR – Argentina
The phase structure of magnetized cold quark matter is analyzed in the framework of the two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio models paying special attention to its dependence on the model parameters as different values within the phenomenological allowed range are consid- ered. We first discuss the simpler chiral limit case, and then the more realistic situation of finite current masses. We show that in spite of the difference in the nature of some transi- tions, both cases are alike and exhibit a rather rich phase structure for a significant range of acceptable parameters. A simplification of the phase structure is obtained as parameters leading to larger values of the dressed quark mass in the vacuum are considered. Finally, we consider the so-called “inverse catalysis effect” showing that in some phases it implies an actual decrease of the order parameter as the magnetic field increases.
Date: 6/September/2013 – (Friday) – Place: Auditório do Bloco G – Sala 419 – Time: 10:00
Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis of Luiz Laércio Lopes – 6/September/2013 – Friday – 2:00 pm
The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:
Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis
Luiz Laércio Lopes
Estrelas de Nêutrons no Regime da Simetria SU(3)
Defense Committee:
Prof. Dr. Marcus Emmanuel Benghi Pinto – (President) – FSC/UFSC
Prof. Dr. Norberto N. Scoccola – (Membro inglês) – Depto de Física – Lab. TANDAR
Prof. Dr. Sidney dos Santos Avancini – (Local member) – FSC/UFSC
Date: 6/September/2013 – Friday – Time: 2:00 pm – Place: Auditório do Bloco G – Sala 419
(Português) Jornada de Lutas do Sintufsc – fechamento da secretaria do Programa
Doctoral Thesis defence of Iuri Stefani Brandt – 02/September/2013 – Monday – Times: 2:00 pm
The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:
Defense of Doctoral Thesis
Iuri Stefani Brandt
Defense Committee:
Prof. Dr. André Avelino Pasa – (President) – FSC/UFSC
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Knobel – (External member) – UNICAMP
Prof. Dr. Jandir Miguel Hickmann – (External member) – UFRGS
Prof. Dr. Alexandre da Cas Viegas – (Membro titular) – FSC/UFSC
Prof. Dr. Márcio Santos – (Local member) – FSC/UFSC
Dr. Vinicius Claudio Zoldan – (Local member) – FSC/UFSC
Dr. Jonathan Israel Avila Osses – (Supplementary member)-FSC/UFSC
Dr. Mohmmad Khalid – (Supplementary member) – FSC/UFSC
Date: 02/September/2013 – Monday – Times: 2:00 pm – Place: Auditório do Bloco G – Sala 419
Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis of Rodrigo Pereira Rocha – 30/August/2013 – Friday – 10:00 am
The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:
Qualifying Examination for Doctoral Thesis
Rodrigo Pereira Rocha
Difusão e Localização em Sistemas Desordenados Descritas por uma Equação Mestra Estocástica
Defense Committee:
Prof. Dr. Wagner Figueiredo – (President) – FSC/UFSC
Prof. Dr. Mario Jose de Oliveira – (External member) – IF/USP
Prof. Dr. Nilton da Silva Branco – (Local member) – FSC/UFSC
Prof. Dr. Jeferson de Lima Tomazelli – (Local member) – FSC/UFSC
Date: 30/August/2013 – Friday – Time: 10:00 am – Place: Meeting room Block G – room 11
Seminar with prof. Narciso Benitez Lozano – J-PAS: The Javalambre-Physics of the Accelerated Universe Astrophysical Survey – 10:00
THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:
J-PAS: The Javalambre-Physics of the Accelerated Universe Astrophysical Survey
Narciso Benitez Lozano
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)
The Javalambre-Physics of the Accelerated Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS) is a very wide field Cosmological Survey to be carried out from the Javalambre Observatory in Spain with a purpose-built, dedicated 2.5m telescope, using a set of 54 narrow band and 5 broad band filters over a 1.2Gpix, 4.7deg2 camera. Starting in 2015, J-PAS will image 8500deg2 of Northern Sky and obtain 0.003(1 + z) precision photometric redshifts for 9 × 107 galaxies, about 50 times more than the largest current spectroscopic survey, sampling an effective volume of ∼ 14 Gpc3. In addition J-PAS will also carry out a SNIe survey, a cosmic shear survey (thanks to the superb seeing at Javalambre) and a cluster survey, exploring the four main Dark Energy probes. In fact, and thanks to its innovative design, J-PAS will be the first experiment capable of reaching Stage IV according to the Dark Energy Task Force classification, several years before other projects like Euclid or LSST start their operations. The instrumental development of this project involves a small fraction of the cost and complexity of a high multiplexing spectrograph, yet it will produce data which enable a much wider range of Astrophysical applications: J-PAS effectively uses a 4.7deg2 “IFU” which will produce a low resolution 3D image of the Extragalactic Northern sky. Our survey will have a lasting legacy value, serving as a fundamental dataset for future cosmological projects.
Date: 30/August/2013 – (Friday) – Place: Sala 419 – Auditório do Bloco G – Time: 10:00
Defence of M.Sc. dissertation of Graziâni Candiotto – 28/August/2013 – 10:00 am
The Physics Graduate Program invites everyone to:
Defence of M.Sc. dissertation
Graziâni Candiotto
Método potenciodinâmico aplicado ao estudo da difusão iônica limitada por camada porosa em substratos de ITO
Defense Commitee
Profª. Drª. Maria Luisa Sartorelli – (President) – FSC/UFSC
Prof. Dr. Lucas Fugikawa Santos – (External member) – Unesp – São José do Rio Preto
Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Frederico Schilling Neto – (Local member) -FSC/UFSC
Profª. Drª. Marta Elisa Rosso Dotto – (Local member) – FSC/UFSC
Date: 28/August/2013 – Wednesday – Time: 10:00 am – Place:Auditório do Bloco G – Sala 419
(Português) Relato da Reunião nº 157 do Colegiado Delegado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física
Seminar with prof. Prof. Nelson Canzian da Silva – Por dentro do experimento ATLAS no LHC (Large Hadron Collider) – 23/August/2013 – 10:00
THE PHYSICS GRADUATE PROGRAM invites everyone to the seminar:
Por dentro do experimento ATLAS no LHC (Large Hadron Collider)
Prof. Nelson Canzian da Silva
Departamento de Física – UFSC
Neste seminário serão apresentados alguns detalhes sobre o projeto, construção e funcionamento do complexo de aceleradores do LHC, no CERN, e de um de seus grandes detectores, o ATLAS. Ênfase será dada nos princípios físicos de funcionamento e soluções tecnológicas utilizadas nos diversos subconjuntos de detectores do experimento e como são empregados para aquisição de dados relevantes e obtenção das grandezas físicas necessárias para a reconstrução dos eventos.
Date: 23/August/2013 – (Friday) – Place: Sala 419 – Auditório do Bloco G – Time: 10:00
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