Graduate Program in Physics at UFSC, Florianópolis
  • Approval of applications (after appeals) to the Admission Process 2024/2

    Publicado em 21/06/2024 às 12:05 PM

    The Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina announces the list of the approved applications to the Admission Process entrance at the semester 2 (2024/2).

    Click here and have access to the registered candidates list and their respective situation in the admission process.



  • Announcement of the selection process for a postdoctoral scholarship (FAPESC Public Call 02/2024).

    Publicado em 18/06/2024 às 04:34 PM

    Considering FAPESC Public Call No. 20/2024 for the selection of POST-DOCTORATE SCHOLARSHIPS, the Postgraduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina – PPGFSC-UFSC hereby publishes Notice 004/2024/PPGFSC for the internal selection of application projects for Post-Doctorate/FAPESC scholarships, starting in 2024.

    Applications will be accepted from 5pm on June 18, 2024 until 5pm on June 26, 2024.

    Click here to access the PPGFSC/UFSC selection process website.


  • Approval of applications to the Admission Process 2024/2

    Publicado em 15/06/2024 às 02:17 PM

    The Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina announces the list of the approved applications to the Admission Process entrance at the semester 2 (2024/2).

    Click here and have access to the registered candidates list and their respective situation in the admission process.

    To file an appeal about the registration, the candidate must be send June 17, 2024 to June 20, 2024 5 pm BRT.

  • Reopening of the Admission Process Calls to the Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

    Publicado em 12/06/2024 às 06:34 PM

    Due to technical issues on our website, the Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC has reopened the admission process’s call for the Master and PhD programs entrance at the semester 2024/2.

    New applications can be submitted from June 12th 6 pm until June 14th, 2024 5 pm BRT.

    The PPGFSC uses the grade achieved in the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses (Exame Unificado de Pós-graduações em Física – EUF) for admission to the Master’s and Doctoral Programs. The PPGFSC regards the grade of the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses.

    Click here to access the admission process website of the PPGFSC/UFSC.

  • Admission Process Calls to the Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

    Publicado em 03/06/2024 às 03:21 PM

    The Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC makes public the admission process’s call for the Master and PhD programs entrance at the semester 2024/2.

    Applications can be submitted from June 3rd until June 9th, 2024 5 pm BRT. The PPGFSC uses the grade achieved in the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses (Exame Unificado de Pós-graduações em Física – EUF) for admission to the Master’s and Doctoral Programs. The PPGFSC regards the grade of the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses.

    Click here to access the admission process website of the PPGFSC/UFSC.

  • (Português) Proposta de pesquisadores do Departamento de Física vence seleção interna para equipar laboratórios

    Publicado em 03/04/2024 às 02:55 PM



  • Seminar with Dr. João Antônio Amarante – March 15th (friday) at 10h15min AM.

    Publicado em 14/03/2024 às 12:47 PM

    Studying the Milky Way evolution with SPH + N-body models

    The Milky Way experienced several merger events which left their imprints on the stellar halo. In particular, it is known that a major merger happened during the Galaxy’s first Gyrs and, likely, perturbed its disc-shape structure. To fully understand the effects of such an event, we need to know the chemical and dynamical characteristics of the young Milky Way, i.e., before the major merger event, and the accreted satellite. For this purpose, SPH + N-body models guide us to explore formation scenarios of Milky Way-like galaxies that went through similar merger events. Such idealized models enable us to control the initial conditions of the merger and which physical processes are included, therefore understanding them better. This talk is divided into three parts. First, I explore the evolution of isolated simulation galaxies with different star formation prescriptions and find evidence supporting a clumpy star formation phase in the young Galaxy. For instance, the kinematic and chemical properties of stars near the Sun, commonly associated with the effects of a merger, can be explained by a clumpy formation scenario. This scenario is supported by observations of high redshift (z>1) galaxies with highly dense clumpy regions. Secondly, I introduce the Gaia-EncelAdus-Sausage Timing, chemistRy and Orbit (GASTRO) library: a suite of simulations exploring the parameter space for GSE-like accretion events and its impact on the formation history of the MW. Finally, I use a subset of the GASTRO library and explore the chemodynamical properties of the accreted stars and the implications to the known substructures in the stellar halo of our Galaxy.

  • Seminário com o Prof. Dr. Felipe Arretche – 24 de novembro de 2023 (sexta-feira) – 10h15min

    Publicado em 20/11/2023 às 11:23 AM

    O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:

    Um modelo semiempírico para espalhamento elétron-átomo em baixas energias
    Prof. Dr. Felipe Arretche
    Departamento de Física – UFSC


    *Evento de presença obrigatória da disciplina seminários

    Resumo: Colisões de elétrons com átomos e moléculas formam um ingrediente fundamental na modelagem de plasmas atmosféricos e astrofísicos. A descrição do processo de termalização destes ambientes exige que sejam conhecidas as seções de choque elétron-átomo na chamada região de “baixas energias” (E < 20 eV). Neste seminário vamos apresentar uma metodologia semiempírica para modelar estas colisões com foco nos dados experimentais mais precisos já apresentados até hoje na literatura. Faremos uma exposição didática da teoria de espalhamento por um potencial descrevendo as várias nuances na modelagem das interações elétron-átomo em vácuo. Por fim, discutiremos os problemas em aberto e as perspectivas para o futuro nesta linha de pesquisa.

    Data: 24 de novembro de 2023 (sexta-feira) – Horário: 10h15min
    Local: Sala 212 – Auditório do Departamento de Física

    Agenda de Seminários:

  • Seminário com o Dr. João Elias Figueiredo Soares Rodrigues – 17 de novembro de 2023 (sexta-feira) – 10h15min

    Publicado em 14/11/2023 às 12:56 PM

    O PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FÍSICA convida para o seminário:

    Opportunities, recent results, and my personal experience in large facilities
    Dr. João Elias Figueiredo Soares Rodrigues
    ALBA Synchrotron Light Source, Barcelona – Espanha

    *Evento de presença obrigatória da disciplina seminários


    In this seminar, I will briefly summarize what I have done so far in the European facilities concerning new materials for energy-recovery, unusual magnetic properties in perovskite materials, and coupling of different experimental techniques to build a complete scenario on the physical properties of a particular material. Currently, I have a post-doc scientific position at the beamline MSPD (Materials Science Powder Diffraction) of the ALBA Synchrotron Light Source (Barcelona, Spain). I have obtained a PhD degree in Applied Physics at University of São Paulo (2017), master degree (2012), and bachelor (2010) in Physics at Federal University of Maranhão. I was visiting postdoc fellow at the Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (2018-2020) at the Jose Antonio Alonso’s laboratory. From 2020-2023, I had a post-doc scientific position at the beamlines ID24/BM23 (High-brilliance X-ray absorption spectroscopy) of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, FR). My research program is focused on high-pressure synthesis and characterization of novel energy materials for mainly thermoelectric applications. Other research activity in the field of high-pressure synthesis includes transition metal oxides with unusual electronic and magnetic properties. General research interest is in materials physics, including vibrational spectroscopy, electrical and magnetic characterization, and structural modeling. I am a frequent user of synchrotron and neutrons facilities (X-ray and neutron diffraction, X-ray absorption) applied to the determination of crystal and local atomic properties of different materials. I have more than 55 articles with more than 550 citations.

    More information

    Data: 17 de novembro de 2023 (sexta-feira) – Horário: 10h15min

    Local: Sala virtual do ConferênciaWeb da Rede Nacional de Pesquisa:

    Link de acesso ao canal do programa no youtube:

    Agenda de Seminários:

  • Admission Process Notice to the Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGFSC/UFSC)

    Publicado em 08/11/2023 às 07:22 PM

    The Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC makes public the admission process’s call for the Master and PhD programs entrance at the semester 2024/1.

    Applications can be submitted from November 9, 2023 until November 24, 2023 5 pm BRT. The PPGFSC uses the grade achieved in the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses (Exame Unificado de Pós-graduações em Física – EUF) for admission to the Master’s and Doctoral Programs. The PPGFSC regards the grade of the Brazilian Unified Exam of Physics Graduate Courses.

    Click here to access the admission process website of the PPGFSC/UFSC

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