Admission Process PNPD/CAPES – 2016/1
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The Graduate Program in Physics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina – PPGFSC-UFSC, Florianópolis, announces that is 1 (one) postdoctoral scholarship PNPD/CAPES available, to the period of 2 (two) years.
The monthly amount is R$ 4.100.00 (four thousand one hundred reais) and the annual amount of the assets is R$ 12.000,00 (twelve hundred reais).
The candidate has to act in the line of research THEORETICAL or EXPERIMENTAL, in one of the following research area: Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics, Nuclear and Hadronic Physics, Mathematical Physics and Quantum Field Theory.
Full regulation of the Postdoctoral National Program – PNPD is described at Portaria nº 086, de 03 de julho de 2013.
Applications (changes in April 25, 2016):
The candidate has to send an e-mail to: with the following documents (all documents may be sent at once all in “PDF” format):
1) Current Curriculum lattes;
2) Scientific interests description, including the research project to the period of (2 years, the deadline is July 1st, 2016) the maximum of 10 pages, naming the academic advisor;
3) Acceptance letter from the academic advisor, proving that the project is correlated to his/her area of activity emphasizing the importance to supervise. (licensed professor to the Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC);
3) Acceptance letter from the academic advisor, proving that the project is correlated to his/her area of activity. (licensed professor to the Graduate Program in Physics of UFSC);
Application deadlines: April 20, 2016 to May 22, 2016.
Result release: up to May 24, 2016 at 6 pm at the website of PPGFSC.
Deadline to file an appeal about the results: up to May 24, 6 pm to May 26, 6pm.
Final results release: up to May 18, 2016 6 pm.
Scholarship implementation until July 1st, 2016.
Criteria for selection (changes at April 25, 2016):
The candidates documentations will be evaluated by the following aspects:
– Quality and quantity of intellectual production;
– Quality, quantity and actuality of intellectual production;
– Diversity of education and experience abroad;
– Potential and good understanding of the candidate in the research area.
– Quality of the research project, feasebility and relevance for the PPGFSC.
Requirements to apply for a scholarship
I – At the time when the scholarship is implemented, hold a PhD degree obtained in evaluated courses by CAPES and recognised by CNE/MEC. In case of diploma obtained from foreign institutions, it should be analyzed by the Graduate Program;
II – Provide a current curriculum at the Plataforma Lattes from CNPq or, if foreigner, curriculum with academic record of patent registration and/or publicação de scientific papers with technological impact and/or prizes of academic merit, according to the annexes of this Notice;
IV – Not be retired or in a similar situation;
V – The candidate can apply in one of the following modalities:
a) Brazilian citizenship or foreign resident in Brazil holding the temporary visa, without an employment relationship;
b) Foreign resident abroad, without an employment relationship;
c) Professor or researcher in Brazil with an employment relationship in institutions of high education or public research institutions.
§ 1º The foreign candidate resident abroad should provide a residential address abroad at the time of the submission of the application.
§ 2º Substitute professors can be approved at the modality “a” line V, without prejudice of the academic acitivities, after analyzis and permit of the Graduate Program.
§ 3º The approved candidates in the modality “c” line V, should present the proof of retreat of the home institution, by a consistent period that matches with the scholarship deadlines.
§ 4º The approved candidates at the modality “c” line V, cannot perform the pos-doctorate internship at the same institution which the candidate has an employment relationship.